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My name's Ali and I'm really pleased you dropped by!

Based in Bristol, I live on a hill with my two gorgeous children.
(And biased. Obviously.)


Ali Walsh, baker & founder 

About Me

I got coeliac disease in the 1990s when the freefrom aisle was practically unheard of, eating out was difficult and treats weren’t easy to find. But I'd always been adventurous with my cake making so I began adapting recipes for gluten-free cakes. 


I spent 3 years as an undiagnosed coeliac in a lot of pain without knowing why. I promise things get better with time and I reckon life can be (dare I say it) even better without gluten, although there may be times when it doesn't feel like it!

My Blog for Coeliacs & Bakers

The blog’s all about current issues coeliacs face, reviews of gluten-free products, videos on gluten-free baking and top tips to help you through life. The search box is especially helpful if you’re newly diagnosed or checking the facts about coeliac disease for a friend or family member.

The History of The Local Bakehouse


I started in 2012 with a market stall on the harbourside and often had to brave the English weather. One time the Queen visited M Shed and I stood outside for 8 hours in the rain with sugar corgis on cupcakes! After a few months I moved things indoors to new premises and many more orders. Taking on my first employee was a fantastic moment – I felt I had a proper business. In 2015 we were nominated in the Best Food & Drink Business category at the Western Daily Press Food & Farming Awards. Watch the video and you’ll know things have come a long way since then. We’ve offer wedding cake tastings and gluten-free cake decorating classes, which are proving really popular.

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Winning SILVER (again!) in the Free From Food Awards

If you haven't already seen our shiny yellow badge on the home page, you'll be pleased to know we won silver in this year's coveted Artisan category in the Free From Food Awards. 


And if you're wondering, it's the freefrom equivalent of winning a medal in the Olympics, so yes, it's very exciting!

Other Ways You Can Benefit

This is the place in Bristol to buy gluten-free cake, go on a cake decorating course and/or find out the facts on coeliac disease via my blog. Check out the Courses page to see what amazing creations you can make (all gluten-free, of course, and there are also vegan options).


Got a question? Just go to the CONTACT page and I'll be happy to answer.


The Local Bakehouse, Brislington, England. UK.

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Copyright © 2025 Ali Walsh

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